Showing posts with label Thailand. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Thailand. Show all posts

Monday, 26 September 2016

Belajar dari Baan Mankong Collective Housing

Oleh : Alexander Irwan

Siapa bilang pembenahan kawasan kumuh hanya bisa dilakukan melalui penggusuran paksa? Baan Mankong Community Upgrading Program di Bangkok mempercayakan pembenahan pemukiman di tepi kanal Bang Bua kepada komunitas, memfasilitasi partisipasi mereka dan memberikan dukungan keuangan melalui lembaga publik Community Organization Development Institute (CODI).

Sumber :

Hasilnya luar biasa. Komunitas tidak perlu digusur, tidak ada lagi rumah yang menjorok ke sungai, sungai bersih dari sampah, rumah menjadi rapi dan sehat, dan komunitas tidak kehilangan mata pencaharian mereka. Pola Baan Mankong yang partisipatif ini diterapkan di seluruh wilayah kota Bangkok. Apartemen bukanlah solusi.

Who says that slum upgrading can only be done through forced eviction? The Baan Mankong Community Upgrading Program in Bangkok trusts the upgrading of slum communities in Bang Bua into the hands of communities, facilitates their participation and provides them with financial support from the Community Organization Development Institute (CODI). The result is amazing. This not only avoided forced eviction, but houses were no longer built on the river banks, the water was clear from trash, healthy and neat houses were built, and community members did not lose their livelihoods. The participatory Baan Makong approach has been implemented city wide in Bangkok. High rise apartments are not a solution.


  1. Baan Mankong Collective Housing,